Reading History Timeline EDRL 471

  • Learning to Read

    I began learning how to read. Though I couldn't read very well, I still enjoyed being around books.
  • I begin to hate reading

    About halfway through the 1st grade, I was reading significantly less than I used to. At this time I was required to take two accelerated reading tests a week. I hated taking the test, so I stopped reading as it became less enjoyable.
  • I'm Reading (Again)

    My 2nd-grade teacher was aware of my attitude towards reading and began to assign me books to read. She gave me books to read that I was not expected to take AR tests on. I read the books and realized I could read for my enjoyment and not obligation.
  • Maintaining a Positive Attitude

    In the 3rd grade, I was hesitant to pick up longer books as they were tiresome to get through. However, I began to excitedly pick up more chapter books because of my 3rd-grade teacher. She found amazing books that were captivating.
  • Reading Assistance

    In the 4th and 5th grades, I received assistance for my reading. In the 4th grade, I was in a high reading comprehension group to improve my reading strategies. However, in the 5th grade, I was put into low-reading groups despite my high reading level. I felt stuck and discouraged since reading was my strong suit. I never moved from the low-reading groups and had diminished confidence going into middle school.
  • Disinterest

    Throughout my reading and English classes in the 6th and 7th grades, I grew disinterested in the texts we studied. Classical literature was boring and I didn't feel like unpacking the message. Due to my lack of interest, I did not do well in those classes.
  • But on the other hand...

    Despite my growing disinterest in classical literature, my new interest popped up in an unlikely class. History captivated me and I began diving into more nonfiction texts. My high confidence in comprehending academic texts began because of my interest in history and willingness to read research-based texts.
  • Classics!

    In the 8th grade, thanks to my amazing English teacher, I was more willing to explore classic literature. Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm were fun when exploring the deeper meaning. My teacher's enthusiasm when teaching about these books kept me hooked.
  • Getting deeper into reading

    My sophomore and junior years were turning points when it came to reading. I was now actively looking for classical literature to read because of my teacher's picks and her excellent job teaching and guiding us through comprehension. I even began to explore essays and memoirs. Exploring new genres was exciting and compelled me to read more than I had before.
  • Currently

    I still love reading thanks to the amazing teachers I had who fostered that love and rebuilt my confidence in my reading ability. Because of a course I took in the fall, I have been trying to read more diverse literature. So far, I've enjoyed books that include LGBTQ+ and Latino characters.