Reading History Timeline

  • Watching movies with subtitles

    Watching movies with subtitles
    My first experience with reading I can remember was when I used to stay at my grandparents house and repeatedly read the same children's book to her until I could read it start to finish withouts messing up a word.
  • Class reading

    Class reading
    In kindergarten I remember my teacher reading a story to us while also giving us our own copies to follow along with her
  • Watching movies

    Watching movies
    My mom always watched movies with subtitles and though I didn't like it, I would always read the subtitles as the people talked which helped me learn to spell and read.
  • Teacher student reading

    Teacher student reading
    Throughout my whole elementary schools years we always had one on one time to read a passage in one minute with our teacher to find out our reading level
  • Reading in Spanish

    Reading in Spanish
    In second grade we had bilingual classes so we were read books in Spanish and then had the teacher translate each sentence she said in English in Spanish
  • Being able to read a Spanish book aloud

    Being able to read a Spanish book aloud
    After reading books in Spanish I was able to learn to say words in Spanish even though I'm not certain what they mean most the time
  • Reading to a kids

    Reading to a kids
    In fifth grade we were paired with the younger students as reading mentors so I was able to read to them at least once a week.
  • Reading to a class

    Reading to a class
    In 6th grade my English teacher assigned different students to read different parts of a chapter to the class from whatever book we where reading at the time
  • Learning to discover meaning in literature

    Learning to discover meaning in literature
    My 12th grade English teacher had us do lots of assignments that included reading a piece, usually from poetry and learning what the author truly meant in their piece aside from what being outrightly stated.
  • Learning to understand the authors use of literacy devices

    Learning to understand the authors use of literacy devices
    During my 12th grade English year we dove deep into literacy devices and how to determine what literacy device is being used and how to understand the meaning behind the use of it when it's used by the author.