Reading History Timeline

By NikkIM3
  • where it all started

    where it all started
    When I was just 7 years I used to read to my cousins and siblings.
  • 4th grade book club

    4th grade book club
    by the time I was in the 4th grade I was apart of a book club and got free books monthly.
  • Exploring book genres

    Exploring book genres
    In my transition from elementary to middle school I was introduced to different genres of books by the new group of peers I was associated with and my love for reading accelerated from there.
  • Somebody at school wrote a manuscript

    Somebody at school wrote a manuscript
    At some point during my 10th grade year in high school a manuscript was circulating around the school that a student wrote and it made me wonder if I could also write a manuscript , so I needed to read the book to see how easy it could be.
  • Do I look like these girls in the books?

    Do I look like these girls in the books?
    Once I started reading books full of drama it was like my imagination woke up, I started reading every time I had a small window of time to dive into a book.
  • Twilight was all the craze!

    Twilight was all the craze!
    As I neared the end of high school, the first of a series of twilight books was released.
  • Falling in love with the fantasy novel

    Falling in love with the fantasy novel
    The twilight series had a hold on me, I found myself reading books at work on my lunch breaks in my car and before bed. Attached to characters I felt all kinds of emotions.
  • Twilight the movie

    Twilight the movie
    Following the 2005 twilight novel a movie dropped in 2008 and I was too excited to see the film only to be disappointed
  • Movie watch group

    Movie watch group
    At some point all my friends were also deep rooted in the twilight novels and movies and we were anxious waiting for the next movie release.
  • Harry Potter was also happening

    Harry Potter was also happening
    While I found myself intrigued with certain novels from drama I never got on board the Harry Potter train and it was also all the craze.