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Reading History

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    My Reading History

  • Kindergarten

    Kindergarten is when I had someone read to me for the first time. My teacher, Ms. Harper, at the time, was extremely friendly and upbeat whenever she read to us in class. I always enjoyed hearing her act out the story. We mostly read fun little picture books, with my favorite being "The Rainbow Fish".
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    In first grade, my teacher read a book to the class titled "No, David!". At this point, I truly enjoyed storytelling and hearing about characters. I don't think I was quite capable of fully reading on my own at this point but books did interest me.
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    I would say second grade is where I started getting the hang of reading on my own. I wasn't reading chapter books or anything but I could read simple picture books all by myself which was great because they were fun to read.
  • Third Grade

    Third Grade
    At this point, I started reading chapter books, specifically in the fiction and sci-fi category. I loved the world-building and being able to escape into a different world with magic and or mythical creatures.
  • Fourth Grade

    Fourth Grade
    For the most part, teachers stopped reading to the whole class by fourth grade. We had a lot of independent reading time and projects that required us to read books at home. I was less interested in academic literature and more so in history or fiction.
  • Seventh Grade

    Seventh Grade
    In middle school, we started doing assignments on historical figures. We did a written report on Anne Frank and her life during the Holocaust. I would say this was a major point when I found a love for history through all of our readings.
  • Eighth Grade

    Eighth Grade
    During 8th grade, I actually discovered fanfiction. This was like finding the holy grail. I could read about adventures, different universes, and even cross-over events with all of my favorite characters from shows, movies, and media. My reading capabilities and habits definitely soared in this era of my life.
  • Ninth Grade

    Ninth Grade
    Reading and life seemed to have overwhelmed me once I got into high school. I didn't enjoy much back then, but I would say I was still a good reader. I could read when I wanted to.
  • College

    College requires me to read quite a bit. I read mostly educational material with a mix of history in it. I wasn't thrilled about all the content I had to read but I was excited to get my college years going.
  • Right Now

    Right Now
    I read for work or for assignments, but when I have free time I like to do anything else. I still enjoy non-fiction novels but they'll have to wait until I graduate for me to pick up regular recreational reading again.