Reading History

  • There's a Witch Under the Stairs and I Know it

    There's a Witch Under the Stairs and I Know it
    This is one of the very first books that I remember reading as a kid. This may have been where I developed my taste for suspense.
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
    Started reading Harry Potter book and the movie was released before I could finish. This led to self-defeating behavior thinking I'd never finish a book before the movie came out.
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Everyone insisted that the books were better than the movies, so I continually tried and failed to read the books before the movie came out. This one is when I finally succeeded.
  • The Eyes of the Dragon

    The Eyes of the Dragon
    I had watched The Green Mile, The Shining, and "It". I figured they were all Stephen King books made into movies, so I might enjoy actually reading him. This is where I found the importance of author recognition.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Killed the idea of reading novels for enjoyment. Having it as an assigned book meant there was no free thought on the topic. The lessons and ideals were outlined and spoon-fed. It's not a bad book, I just had a bad experience with it.
  • The Grapes of Wrath.

    The Grapes of Wrath.
    This is where I learned to read independently and for information. It wasn't until this time that I thought that writing in books was a cardinal sin. We had to buy our own personal copy and search for examples of pragmatism, realism, optimism, and skepticism. Highlighting each with color coded highlighters. This turned things around and helped me to better comprehend what I read as well as having bits to look back at when I forget what I read, rather than re-reading it all.
  • Elixir

    I had seen that Hilary Duff wrote a book that landed on the New York Times bestseller list. I have always been a fan of Hiliary Duff, so I read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. So much so, that I bought the sequel immediately after. I find it rare that I enjoy fantasy or fiction books, but these are a few that I do enjoy.
  • began building an interest in books

    began building an interest in books
    I started to build a library of my own with books that interested me (as well as my coursebooks)
  • multitasking

    Started to jump between books and reading more than 1 at a time, as well as finding the joy in picking up different stories.
  • Utilizing Literature

    Utilizing Literature
    while taking this course I realized that the best way to improve my own language acquisition would be to read in that language. So, I bought a book in Spanish and have been reading/ translating it, and it has boosted my Spanish exponentially.