Reactions to Neoclassicism and Realism 1800-1900

  • The Death of General Wolfe

    The Death of General Wolfe
    This artwork shows the historical event of the British hero General Wolfe. The artist chose to show the soldiers in more modern uniforms rather than their classic style. The artwork shows a more dramatic side of the battlefield with the scene of the battle being over.
  • Classical Allegory

    Classical Allegory
    This piece of artwork shows the classical side. Johann Joachim Winckelmann published work that enhanced classical artwork, which in returned created interests to other painters.
  • La Grande Odalisque

    La Grande Odalisque
    Jean-Auguste-Dominigue Ingres was the creator of this artwork. This artwork resembles romanticism during this time period. This artwork is shown with many different curves and colors.
  • Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles

    Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles
    This artwork shows the person standing looking upwards, many people believe that they are looking at heaven. This piece is believed to show the women believing that heaven gave the victory to France.
  • The Birth of Venus

    The Birth of Venus
    William-Adolphe Bouguereau created this artwork. This artwork showed the naked side of the women. She is shown as an ideal. Bouguereau's side of this artwork showed a more classical side rather than the side of Botticelli's and Raphael's.
  • Sunday Morning

    Sunday Morning
    Edward Hopper created this painting. This painting is believed to show "almost a literal translation of Seventh Avenue." The in-depth strokes of this painting, and how realistic it is shows how serious many painters went with the realism side of this time period. The painting shows the emptiness of the buildings, along with the streets.
  • Why War?

    Why War?
    This artwork shows the side of realism in a way that this elder man is affected. This painting shows the elder sitting in a room by himself during the war with a gas mask. The realism is shown by the in-depth side of how the war is affecting this elder, and how desperately tired he is having to fight to survive his everyday life.
  • Nighthawks

    Edward Hopper is the creator of this piece of artwork. This artwork shows the loneliness of people during the post World War 11 time period. The painting goes in depth with description and realism as it shows the details of inside the diner, as well as how lonely the streets were.
  • Open City

    Open City
    Open City is a war film created in neorealism. This film showed life in Rome during the time it was Nazi occupied. During this time "film makers used various film techniques and narrative structures to create the illusion of reality." Film during this time in a sense showed their films in a raw aspect in a way that people can form their own opinions.
  • Children Are Reading

    Children Are Reading
    This painting shows children who are reading books. Many people believe that these children are reading books because they are trying to figure out how to escape. The realism to this painting shows the raw side of how children thought during this time period.