Razia sultana

Razia sultana

By m_n.p
  • Period: 1205 to 1240


    razia sultana was killed at the age of 35 years.
  • 1236

    razia sultana's contribution

    Razia Sultan History can impress the present women generation. She was the first women ruler of Delhi ruled during 1236 AD to 1240 AD and well-known as the first Muslim female ruler in India. As a women ruler, she created the historical significance in the Indian history.
  • Mar 5, 1237

    Becoming sultan

    When iltutmish died his son Rukhnuddin Feroz succeeded him but he proved to be a incompetent ruler. The nobles asked his daughter Razia Sultana to take the throne on the year 1237.
  • 1238

    Threat of mongols

    In 1238, Malik Hasan Qarlugh, the former Khwarazmian governor of Ghazni, faced a Mongol threat, and sent his son to Delhi, probably to seek a military alliance against the Mongols. Razia received the prince courteously, assigned him the revenues of Baran for his expenses, but refused to form an alliance against the Mongols .Razia sultana's initial coins were issued with her father's name, but by 1238, she had started issuing coins solely in her own name.
  • 1239


    In 1239, Malik Izzuddin Kabir Khan Ayaz the governor of Lahore rebelled against Razia, and she marched against him, forcing him to flee to Sodhra Because the area beyond Sodhra was controlled by the Mongols, and because Razia continued to pursue him,Izzuddin was forced to surrender and accept Razia's authority once again. Razia treated him leniently she took away the iqta of Lahore from him,but assigned him the iqta of Multan,which Iltutmish had assigned to Ikhtiyaruddin Qaraqash Khan Aitigin.
  • 1240


    Razia sultana's brother was ascended the throne. After Aitigin's death,Razia saw this as an opportunity to win back the throne, and married Altunia in September 1240. The two were supported by some other disgruntled Turkic nobles Altunia assembled an army, which according to Isami, included Khokhars, Jats,and Rajputs. In September-October 1240, Sultan Muizuddin Bahram led an army against the forces of Altunia and Razia, and defeated them on 14 October 1240. Razia was killed on 15 October 1240.