
Raymond's Run

  • The narrator only job is to wach her "little" brother Raymond

    The narrator only job is to wach her "little" brother Raymond
    Her mom and dad do all the work the only thing she has to do is wach her brother Raymond.
  • Sometimes the narrator slips and says my little brother

    Sometimes the narrator slips and says my little brother
    A lot of people call him my little brother because he need to look after cause he is not quite right.And people can see that he is my older brother.
  • The narrator all ways wins every race for the frist place

    The narrator all ways wins every race for the frist place
    The narrator all ways wins the race in kindergarden she used to win the twenty-yard dash but now the narrator is running the fifty-yard dash.Andin a few days the quarter-meter race.
  • admiring the weather well taking a stroll down Broadway

    admiring the weather well taking a stroll down Broadway
    The narrator is running so she can practice her breathing exercises.Well her 'little' brother is walking on the side walk.
  • You can see the narrator practicing running all day

    You can see the narrator practicing running all day
    The narrator is walking with her mom. I keep my knees strong even if it does get my mother uptight so that she acts like i am not her doughter and she doesnt know me.
  • Strollong down broadway

    Strollong down broadway
    Well the narrator is strolling down broadway she sees her old friend with the new girl they allways talk about the narratore.She walks beside them well they started talking to her.
  • Talking to people from the race

    Talking to people from the race
    mary askes "are you signing up for the may day race?".Narrartor thinks what a dumb question.Well Rosie is saying 'I dont think you are going to win this time" and she is forgatting that the narrator won her many times.
  • standing up for narrators brother

    standing up for narrators brother
    When Rosie, Mary Louise, and Gretchen saw Raymond they started asking dumb quetions like what grade are you in? and more.The narrator said if you got anything to say to my brother, you can say it to my face.And the next person who will talk I will be their mother too.
  • signing up

    signing up
    The narrator is found by Mr Pearson and he signs her up for the 50 yard May Day Race.
  • Race Time

    Race Time
    When all the races were done, it was finaly her turn to run the 50 yard race. When she heard the gun shot she was just focus on the race, she wasnt thinking about anything but running.
  • Announcement

    When she crossed the finish line she saw that Gretchen was behinnd her. And when everyone finished they could hear the judges arguing on who won. While they were waiting she saw that Raymond could also run fast even though he's different she still had hope in him.
  • Realized

    Afte she heard her name through the speaker indicating that she won, she look around and realized that winning wasn't everything. And what matters was she loves run and that she tried her best and that everybody had potential in them.
  • Period: to

    Raymond's run