Raymond was born
in Oregon -
Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt
U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb
Brink's robbery in Boston
almost $3 million stolen -
Korean war begins
Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII
Cigarette smoking is reported to cause lung cancer for the first time.
Heavy flooding in Holland kills 2,000 people
is when the flooding began -
The U.S. launched the first nuclear powered submarine, the Nautilus.
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
Raymond graduated from Yakima High School
Elvis Presley releases the first of more than 170 hit songs, "Heartbreak Hotel."
married Maryann Burk
first child born, Christine La Rae
Cat in the Hat was published
NASA founded
their second child was born a boy, Vance Lindsay Carver
The Sound of Music opened on Broadway
Alaska and Hawaii becomes part of the US
49th and 50th states in the United States. -
Students protest segregation
In Greensboro, North Carolina, by staging "sit-ins" at whites-only lunch counters. -
he attended Iowa Writers' Workshop
1963-1964 -
Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? was published
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Everything stuck to him was taken out of this book. having 4 other short stories in the book -
Raymond divorced his first wife
Raymond married Tess Gallagher
Raymond died
Port Angeles, Washington