Ray MSCM 430 Fa12

  • Oct 11, 600

    Writing in Central America

  • Oct 11, 700

    Block printing in China

  • Period: Oct 11, 1100 to Oct 11, 1400

    Manuscript copying moves out of monasteries

  • Oct 11, 1200

    Writing in China

  • Period: Oct 11, 1200 to

    Inca Empire

  • Oct 11, 1350

    Wycliffe translates Bible into English

  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing Press

    Gutenberg invents the printing press
  • Period: to

    Copper plate imaging

  • Period: to

    Morse invents the telegraph

  • Glass plate imaging

  • Civil War begins

  • Emancipation Procalamation

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Civil War ends

  • Telephone invented

  • Edison patents phonograph

  • Eastman invents celluloid film

  • Edison invents the Kinetoscope

  • Silk used for writing in China

  • The Great Train Robbery

  • Birth of a Nation

  • Hays Code

  • "Report from Vietnam"

  • Pentagon Papers

  • Nixon resigns

  • Invasion of Grenada

  • Iran-Contra scandal

  • Soviet Union falls

  • Operation Desert Storm

  • Lumiere show off the Cinematographe

  • Block printing in Japan

  • Block printing in Korea

  • Writing in Egypt

  • Writing in Mesopotamia