Ray charles

Ray Charles 1930-2004

  • Ray Charles was born

     Ray Charles was born
    Ray Charles was born in Albany,GA
  • music

    ray started playing music at the age of 3
  • The day ray Charles became blind

    The day ray Charles became blind
    Ray Charles was blinded from the the illness he had at the age of 7 and also him and his family moved to Florida so Ray Charles can go to music school for the blind
  • The day when Ray Charles life began to change

    The day when Ray Charles life began to change
    At the age of 15 when Ray Charles mother Aretha passed away and ray left his school so he can become a musician
  • When Ray Charles started his journey

    When Ray Charles started his journey
    Ray Charles moved to Seattle Washington and started his own band
  • Ray Charles first hit

    Ray Charles first hit
    Ray Charles' first song was "Baby let me hold your hand"
  • fist record

    fist record
    He sang with attar-tic record
  • new members

    new members
    Ray Charles added female backup singers to his band
  • New song

    New song
    "What I said"
  • Ray Charles first album

    Ray Charles first album
    Ray Charles created his first jazz album
  • break from music

    break from music
    Ray Charles took a break from music because he was addicted to drugs and also went to jail for a 1 year recovering from his addiction to heroin
  • movie

    He was in a movie called "The Blues Brothers"
  • quote

  • Hall of Fame

    Hall of Fame
    He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and received a Kennedy Center Honor Award
  • Grammy

    Ray Charles received the Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 12th grammy duet

     12th grammy duet
    He won his 12th grammy in a duet with Chaka Khan
  • presidential medal

    presidential medal
    Bill Clinton gave Ray Charles the presidential metal for the art's
  • autobiography

    Ray Charles publish his own autobigraph
  • The passing of Ray Charles

    The passing of Ray Charles
    Ray Charles dies at the age of 73 from liver disease