Ray Bradbury

By SamD09
  • Birthdate: August 22, 1920

    Born in Waukegan, Illinois
  • 1934, Los Angeles, CA

    In 1934 Ray Bradbury moves to Los Angeles, CA
  • 1937, Joined the Los Angeles Science Fiction league

    In 1937 Bradbury joined the Los Angeles Science Fiction League, where he received encouragement from young writers
  • Published his own fanzine, Futuria Fantastia, in 1939

    He published his own fanzine, Futuria Fantasia, in 1939. That same year Bradbury traveled to the first World Science Fiction convention, in New York City, where he met many of the genre’s editors.
  • 1941, First sale to a professional science fiction magazine

    He made his first sale to a professional science fiction magazine in 1941, when his short story “Pendulum” (written with Henry Hasse) was published in Super Science Stories.
  • The Martian Chronicles, 1950

    The Martian Chronicles (1950), a series of short stories, depicts Earth’s colonization of Mars
  • Fahrenheit 451, 1953

    Bradbury’s next novel, Fahrenheit 451 (1953), is regarded as his greatest work.
  • 1970, No longer wrote short fiction at his previous pace,

    In the 1970s Bradbury no longer wrote short fiction at his previous pace, turning his energy to poetry and drama.
  • 2004, National Medal of Arts

    2004, National Medal of Arts
    IN 2004 Ray Bradbury won the National Medal of Arts for his writing.
  • Death, June 5th, 2012

    Ray Bradbury passed away on June 5th, 2012