Rapa Nui

By ana.
  • 600

    First Settlers on Rapa Nui

    "Between 600 and 800 A.D., a group of colonists from an unidentified location in Eastern Polynesia settled on Easter Island after sailing in a southeasterly direction for many weeks." (Eric Kjellgren, 2002.)
  • 1200

    Last Wave of Migration

    "Polynesian people arrived in Rapa Nui around 1200 AD as part of their last wave of migration." (James Downes, n.d.)
  • 1400

    Moai Built

    "The moais were built in approximately 1400 - 1650 A.D." (Easter Island Travels, 2019.)
  • 1400


    "During the 15th or 16th century, the civilization at this small and isolated piece of land was highly advanced." (Easter Island Travels, 2019.)
  • Deforestation on Rapa Nui

    "The islanders grew in numbers throughout the generations. Much of the lush palm tree forests were cut down and burnt to clear areas for crops. During the era of moai building, big quantities of lumber was needed for transportation of the statues. Across generations, more was cut than what sprouted and wood was getting less common." (Easter Island Travels, 2019.)
  • New Religion

    From the beginning of the 18th century, when moai carving ended, people started dedicating themselves to the tangata manu competitions in the village of Orongo, situated on the cliffs of volcano Rano Kau. Once the nesting season of the manutara started, one representative from each tribe would swim out to the small island. The first competitor to obtain an egg and swim back would win the title of tangata manu would grant great privileges for the tribe. (Easter Island Travels, 2019.)
  • European Settlement

    "In 1722, the first known European ship to visit Rapa Nui recorded a settled sustaining population of about 3,000 people." (Jane Downes, n.d.)
  • Moai Destroyed and Religion Changes

    "Within a short period of time from first contact with Europeans, the moai had all been toppled over. By 1838, no moai were left standing: beliefs and values changed, and the moai lost their mana." (James Downes, n.d.)
  • Slave Raids

    "The visiting Europeans generally estimate the islanders to be in the number of thousands, until the beginning of the 1860's when 1500 islanders were taken to work as slaves" (Easter Island Travels, 2019.)
  • Population Decreases

    "The population decreased significantly as people were impacted by a number of factors including introduced diseases and slavery. By 1877, there were 110 people left on the island." (James Downes, n.d.)