Ralph lane polk 1849 1923 usa

Ralph Lane Timeline

By 2479611
  • 1532


  • 1554


    Attended Oxford University
  • 1563


    Served Queen Elizabeth I's court
  • 1569


    He participated in a force that suppressed a rebellion in Scotland, where he gained accolades for his military skill.
  • Period: 1570 to 1580

    Helping hand

    He planned and offered his services England struggle with Spain.
  • 1571

    Involvement of Sir Lane

    He had involved himself in maritime affairs which included a Queen's commission to seize ships.
  • His Commission

    Sir Lane received a commission to go to Ireland and direct the construction of forts.
  • Period: to

    Fort Raleigh

    This fort was built by Sir Ralph Lane to organize a colony for the Spanish so that they could be harassed & to serve as a base for exploration of the new land.
  • Provided

    He provided the foreword to Thomas Harriot's Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia.
  • Going Back

    Sir Lane went back in Ireland serving as "Muster master general" and "Clerk of the check of the garrison" and remained in the country the rest of his life.
  • Died