Derek is born
RAIXEL's name before his supposed death used to be "Derek Helsen" coming from a successful ad wealthy family. -
Derek's soul is mistakenly taken
Grumm (2nd Death) is tasked with finding a soul but mistakes it for Derek, being close to death but not meant to go yet. -
Ralifoox is born
After Grumm gets reprimanded for bringing in the wrong soul, there is no turning back and there is no space left in heaven, Lucifer/Satan "conveniently" offers up to take the soul. Giving it a physical form and a place in his castle, branding him with the name "Ralifoox" -
The Mist Fight Incident
Wrettin and Offstitch get into a fight over something minor, Wret leaving Off with severe injuries. -
The Wine Incident
While Cold was rummaging in a fridge he shouldn’t have been, he shattered one of Lucifer's priceless wine bottles from Beelzebub, and Lucifer, in an effort to cause his curse to grow further, punished Cold with washing dishes with gloves on that had the remains of the broken bottle inside, cutting his hands repeatedly. -
The Croc Incident
Derdan (The green child) goes on an excessive "prank rampage" and accidentally gets Wrettin killed. -
The Library Beheading Incident
Bunenshefon remembers his real name and looks for answers in the library, stumbling upon the forbidden library and finding information he shouldn’t have, getting caught by Satan on his way out and being decapitated on the spot. -
The Bridge Blaze Incident
Cravinelle hid in Angie's room while she was reading, setting her off and chasing after him, setting the hallways and castle bridges on fire, leaving ash and debris everywhere, both got punished after Cold diffused the situation. -
Lucifer gives Rali the Chrono Crystal
Lucifer sees Cold and Ralifoox getting closer and becoming a support group amongst themselves, so he tries to draw them apart by giving Rali a time traveling crystal but he told him he couldn’t tell anyone because he’d know, and if he did tell anyone he’d take away the crystal and punish him. -
Ralifoox discovers the crack and meets Amanda
Ralifoox discovers a crack near the door that leaves hell, and he starts time traveling in the living plane, going to 1003 where he meets a blonde girl named Amanda who he started hanging out with.