Rainey Janssen

By sh29241
  • Playing in the kitchen

    Rainey "makes" and "feeds" her mother toy food in the kitchen.
  • Mom leaves for Vienna

    Rainey's mom takes her first trip back to Vienna to visit her parents since Rainey was born. Rainey becomes very sad after she leaves.
  • Mom comes back

    Rainey's mom comes back from her trip and Rainey quits acting depressed.
  • First day of Kindergarden

    Raniey goes to school for the first time and makes a ton of friends, quickly becoming the "popular" girl.
  • Playing dress up

    Rainey and some of her bast friends (hannah, Olivia, and Magan included) played dress-up in Rainey's room.
  • Mom's second trip

    Rainey's mom makes her second trip to Vienna, but this time Rianey does not act as she did last time.
  • A Christmas Gift

    Mom comes back from Vienna and gives Rainey a red gown that was her mother's. It did not fit Rainey at the time, but she loved it any way.
  • Middle School

    Rainey starts middle school at Lisse Middle School and makes more friends.
  • Class President

    For the first time, Rainey gets voted class president, from then on it becomes her goal to keep that title.
  • Mom leaves

    Rainey'smother leaves once more, but this time for longer because her motehr was sick.
  • Mom comes back

    Rainey's mother cames back because her mother recovered.
  • Mom dies

    Rainey's mother dies in a car accident while going to Vienna again.
  • Rainey gets bullied

    Because her mother died, Rainey loses a ton of self-confidence and gets made fun of.
  • Train accident

    Rainey and her brotehr get cornered at a party by a gang and in fleeing, are forced to run across the tracks right before a train comes through. Matthew makes it, but Rainey loses her right leg.
  • Hospital

    Rainey is admitted under hospital care after her train accident. During her time there she recieves many visitors.
  • Discharge

    Rainey is discharged from the hospital and told that she will be wheelchair bound for the rest of her life.
  • A new house

    Upon her release from the hospital, Rinay's house is immediatly fixed with everything nessesary for her wheelchair.
  • Physical Therapy

    Rainey starts after school physical therapy with Dr. Segul.
  • More bullying

    Rainey gets bullied again, this time becasue she is wheelchair bound.
  • Is class president again

    Rainey gets voted class president for the fifth time in a row.