The birth of Shafic Hariri
Shafic Hariri was the brother of Rafic Hriri. -
Birth of Rafic Hariri
Rafic Hariri was born on November 1, 1944 in Sidon, Lebanon. -
The birth of Bahia Hariri
Bahia Hariri was born on July 26, 2013. -
The marriage of Rafic Hariri and Nazik
On May 5, 1965 Rafic Hariri was married to Nazik. -
The birth of Bahaa
Bahaa was the first born child of Rafic and Nazik out of all the six kids that they had. -
The birth of Saad Hariri
Saad Hariri was a son of Rafic and Nazik on April 18,1970. -
The birth of Hind Hariri
Hind Hariri was the daughter of Rafic Hariri and Nazik Hariri who was born on October 11, 1984 -
Rafic Hariri starts
Rafic Hariri is now the president of Lebanon. -
The birth of Houssam Hariri
Houssam Hariri, son of Rafic and Nazik was born on August 7, 1999. -
Rafic Hariri's death
Mr.Hariri was assassinated in a car bomb by the Syrians because they were jealous. It was a 1,800 kg of TNT that killed him. He was assassinated on Valentine's day.