Radio Timeline

  • The First Signal

    The First Signal
    Guglielmo Marconi an Italian inventor was credited with the invention of the radio after he sent and recieved the first radio signals.
  • The First Amplifier

    The First Amplifier
    In 1906 Lee De Frost created (or borrowed) the idea for the Adion Tube. The Audion Tube was the first device ever made to amplify sounds.
  • Radio Saved the Titanic

    Radio Saved the Titanic
    Radio was a big deal out on the open water unlike land there were no communication lines to communicate, they had to use radio. Without the invention of radio we would not have been able to communicate and the Titanic and all of its pssengers would have been lost forever.
  • The First Radio Station

    The First Radio Station
    The first radio station wasn't created until 1920. The first radio station was known as KDKA and is still running today.
  • Advertising

    Radio stations play advertisements to make money. The first adertisement aired on WEAF and was ten minutes long. It featured an apartment complex and cost 50 dollars.
  • FRC or FCC

    FRC or FCC
    In response to the popularity of Uncle Charlies (personal radio stations) the FRC was created to organize the licensing of transmitters and assign call letters to licensed radio stations.
  • AM Radio

    AM Radio
    AM radio is amplitude modulation and runs between 535 KHz and 1605 KHz.
  • FM Radio

    FM Radio
    FM radio is frequency modulation and runs between 88 MHz and 108 MHz which is much larger than AM frequecies.
  • Period: to

    The Golden Era

    This was in the middle of the Great Depression when everyone was suffering. Everyone was poor and needed an escape from life. So people would save up money to buy a radio, even if they needed something else fixed of needed to buy something else.
  • Radios Demise

    Radios Demise
    When television came out to the public and started gaining popularity radio shows had a very hard time transferring over. If an adult was playing a little kids voice on radio they wouldn't be able to do it on TV because it wouldn't look right so they would have to use a different actor changing their voice.
  • Why Music?

    Why Music?
    Before radio played music the only ways to listen to it was jukeboxes, records, or live performances. To help kep radio alive they started to play music.
  • Music and Talk

    Music and Talk
    Edwin Armstrong created the FM transmitter to have a better sound quality. Becaose of this invention FM radio stations started braodcasting music while AM stations were left braodcasting talk shows.