
Radio timeline

  • radio invention

    radio invention
    While Marconi is often credited as being “the”, or at least, “a” father of radio, he was in fact experimenting with wireless telegraphy, not radio. In fact, Marconi was never interested in transmitting voice and didn’t think it possible. Nor is it even certain he actually heard the Morse clicks from across the ocean amid the static on Dec 01, 1901. His spark technology meanwhile was also a dead end and he would abandon it in 1912.
  • radio signal

    First transatlantic signal sent by Marconi from Ireland to Canada
  • first music station

    Reginald Fessenden was the first person to transmit a program of speech to music
  • radio in airplane

    radio in airplane
    First radio transmission from an airplane
  • first station

    KDKA made the nation's first commercial broadcast
  • advertisements

    The first on-air advertisement was carried by a new York station
  • radio in cars

    radio in cars
    Kelly’s motors in NSW, Australia installed its first car radio