Radio history timeline- haven tay

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    A man named Heinrich hertz established that you could transmit and receive electric waves wirelessly.He proved it ws possible but dent do anything with it. He wasn't thinking about radio , he was thinking about electricity.
  • guglielmo Marconi

    guglielmo Marconi
    He had a Huge breakthrough where he figured out how to send a signal of greater range by raising the height of the attend
  • Period: to

    over the pond

    Macroni sent his first transatlantic message from Ireland to Newfoundland Canada and first transatlantic message from the us was sent to mattchetutes to uk

    Radio became a messenger Which means we listened to messages from the navy, weather reports and lectures.
  • making money

    making money
    Wear aired a 10 minute commercial about an apartment charging $50
  • Period: to

    Golden era

    The radio became a get a way for people to be entertained Amos and Andy was one the biggest shows tooken place during the golden Era.
  • Today

    Edwin armstrong created fm to allow high dynamic range to sound better. In the morning (am) we hear news and entertainment. Now in days we hear jazz, rock, r&nb.. etc..