
Film History Natalie

  • Zoopraxiscope

    The Zoopraxiscope was made by William Lincoln ,and was the machine that showed animated pictures or movies.Most photographs and drawings were watched through a slit in the Zoopraxiscope.
  • First Film

    First Film
    The first ever film was the film called " The Horse In Motion" which was created by Eadweard Muybridge. Which was created to see if all of the horses hooves come off the ground.
  • Eadweard Muybridge

    Eadweard Muybridge
    He was a professional photographer.Who was the first to produce a motion picture by taking rapid pictures ,and putting them all together in a rotating disk.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    He was the first to invent the motion picture camera.The reason why was because he had started to take a liking to motion pictures when he saw what Eadweard was doing with the pictures.
  • Kinetoscope

    The kinetoscope was invented by Thomas Edison and William Dickson.It was a strip of film that was passed rapidly between a lens and a light bulb while the a person would peer through a peephole to see it.
  • Cinematographe

    The cinematographe was a device that projected motion pictures on to a screen.It was invented by the Lumiere brothers in France ,but it was the one thing Thomas Edison didn't want so he could make more money.
  • Vaudeville

    Vaudevilles were small theaters that featured short dramatic skits ,comedy routines ,songs ,and dances.While also featuring short films in theaters. which made them get quite popular back then.
  • First Narrative Film

    First Narrative Film
    The first U.S narrative film was "The Great Train Robbery" created by Edwin porter.The film had about 14 scenes ,and it lasted 12 minutes ,which was consider pretty long back then.
  • The MPPC

    The MPPC
    MPPC stands for the Motion Picture Patents Company. This company back then would keep the name of the actors out of the film so that they wouldn't be known ,and want more money.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Charlie Chaplin was a comic genius of silent comedy.He would use his films to communicate messages about good ,and evil in society.He eventually started making more than a million a year because of his films.
  • The First Animated Movie

    The First Animated Movie
    The first animated movie was snow white ,and the seven dwarfs.Which was created by Disney.It was the first movie with sound ,and color.
  • Nickelodeons

    Nickelodeons were small store-front theaters that featured short films along with one or two vaudeville acts..The reason why they were named nickelodeon was because you would pay one nickel to watch them back then.