
Film History Morrison

  • Invention of Praxinoscope

    Invention of Praxinoscope
    Charles Emile Reynaud invented the Praxinoscope which is a projector device with a mirrored drum that creates the illusion of movement with picture strips. It's basically a refined version of the Zoetrope a just with mirrors at the center of the drum instead of slots.
  • First motion picture

    First motion picture
    Eadweard Muybridge was known as the father of motion picture. His photographic experiments made modern cinema with his study. The Horse In Motion was the first ever moving picture.
  • Kodak camera

    Kodak camera
    George Eastman invented dry, transparent, and flexible photographic roll film and he called it kodak. He was an avid photographer and became the founder of the Eastman Kodak company.
  • First close up of a SNEEZE!

    First close up of a SNEEZE!
    In the Edison studio a camera man took the first close up in film history. The record of a sneeze was also the first motion picture to receive a copyright. It was filmed within the Black Maria studio at New Jersey which was America first movie studio.
  • First commercial movie performance

    First commercial movie performance
    Louis and Auguste Lumiere made the first commercial seen in Paris. They also charged admission.
  • Marconi invents radio

    Marconi invents radio
    Marconi invented the radio but may not have been the first.
  • First natural history orientated film

    First natural history orientated film
    Rough sea at Dover was one of the first natural history orientated films amd one of the oldest surviving British films. It was filmed by Birt Acres and he used a camera designed by R. W Paul which was based in Esison invention of the kinetoscope. The film has the simple ebb and flow of waves crashing against the pier at Dover,
  • Kinetoscope

    Thomas Edison invented the kinetoscope. It was a device used for looking at moving pictures without any sound. He hoped that it would boost sales.
  • First British Wildlife film

    First British Wildlife film
    Oliver pike was a photographer he started capturing pictures of flowers and birds at an early age. Oliver and Reginald B. Lodge, developed a technique which wild birds tripped a camera shutter and took their own pictures. In Birdland he made his first film that was shown to paying audiences in London and he had the first births wildlife film to be screened to the public.
  • Walt Disney makes first film

    Walt Disney makes first film
    Walt Disney makes his 1st film company Laugh-O-Gram Films.
  • First natural history series

    First natural  history series
    David Attenborough made the first natural history series called The Pattern Of Animals when he joined the BBC as a trainee producer. At first there wa a limited budget of the BBC for the series and the studio restricted the animals features to those of London zoo. David met a man who was the curato of London zoos reptile house and they joined together to create a series about collecting animals for the zoo.
  • Planet earth was released

    Planet earth was released
    Alastair Fothegril spent fiver years working in the epic series helping to pioneer a blockbuster format for wildfire television. In 2006 planet earth was realeased. It we the first BBC series to be be shot in entirely high definition.