How film started
It started with a $25,000 bet. The bet was to see if all four feet of the horse was off the ground at some point. The guys was Eadweard muybridge (Muybridge won the bet) because they took a bunch of cameras and shot it multiple times which showed that the horse was off the ground at some point. -
Is located in california LA, it was later known as hollywood. Hollywood is the area to make films and it was were actors went to get recignition. It also helped the film history with the amazing location to film. -
Peephole Kinetoscope
Thomas Edisons company made a device called the peephole Kinetoscope. It made them a lot of money by making only one person see the moving images. He also sold the peephole Kinetoscope to individuals. -
According to popular history, it was the Lumiere brothers in France who first did what thomes edison initiallyy didnt want to do. The Lumiere created the cinematographe. Which turned into a series of short films. -
Vaudeville is small theaters that featured short dramatic skits, comedy routines. in the 1900's it was later expanded to nickelodeons. Nickelodeons were storefront type theaters that featured films. -
"The great train Robbery"
It was an employee of Thomas Edison, who created this film. It was a blockbuster hit at the time being only 30sec long. it changed the point of view on the film length. -
Nickelodeon theater atracted 26 million viewers each week. 5 years larer that number had more than doubled. It only costed a nickle to watch which gave it the name Nickelodeon. -
A company that formed a trust called the Motion Picture Patents Company. There plan was to use their combined patents to control the film products. They were after idependent film comapnies. -
Independent Film companies
Independent compaies tried to complete films, however the mppc would go after them, and break there equipment. Unlike the mppc they wanted to make people stars and known. By doing this they moved to California LA, so they wont get caught by the mppc. -
Moving to California (West Coast)
The reason for moving to the west coast than the east coast is becasue there wasnt enough lighting in the east coast. Also has nice scenery, and a good way to retreate from the mppc and go to Mexico. Its know as Hollywood today. -
Mary Pickford
Was on of the original 36 founders of the film. People famously know her as "Americas Sweetheart". And changed film history by her acting. -
Charlie Chaplin
One of the earlest hollywood actors in the era. He did silent movie acts and was very successful at his time. He changed film history with his acts.