radio history Curtis Hale

  • first camera

    first camera
    in 1685 the first camera was made earliest known surviving photograph was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.( don't ask me about this picture)
  • kinetoscope parlor

    kinetoscope parlor
    these are pretty much the movie theaters of back then but for one at a time and 10-30 seconds.
  • Thomas Edisons

    inventor of the light bulb, kinetoscope,perjector,buessin man, mob boss,
  • first kinetoscope

    first kinetoscope
    invented by W.K.L. Dickson, Patented by Thomas Edison
  • the first radio

    the first radio
    this is Guglielmo Marconi the first inventor of the raido he called it the wireless telegraph. he got the idea from radio waves for morse code.
  • first in color movie

    first in color movie
    Cinematic pioneer Edward Turner is credited with making the world's first ever color films
  • the great train robbery

    the great train robbery
    first movie with a real story line and cammera angles and cross cutting
  • nickelodeon

    this is the first movie theater they called it a nickeloden because it cost a nickel and odeon is a greek word for theater. they showed live acks as well as shot films
  • first movie star Florence Lawrence

    first movie star Florence Lawrence
    often referred to as The First Movie Star
  • first raidio station

    first raidio station
    the first radio station was the KDKA it was a news station that keep people up to date on the presidential race before they reed it in the news