
Radio History

  • Hertz

    1886-1888 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz experimented with Maxwell's Theory and discovered several things. One, he found out that radio radiation had all the properties of waves (now Hertz Waves). Two, he found that electromagnetic equations could be reformulated into a partial differential equation called the Wave Equation.
  • Marconi

    Marconi is the first to achieve successful radio transmission. He is later awarded with a patent. British Patent 12039. This patent is for "Improvements in Transmitting Electrical Impulses and Signals and in Apparatus There-for."
  • Radio Factory

    Marconi openes the first radio factory. It's located on Hall Street, Chelmsford, England. He employed about fifty people.
  • Fessenden

    Fessenden sent a weak transmission. It was a transmission of a voice. He revolutionized the way radio works.
  • Brant Rock

    Fessenden used an Alexanderson Alternator and a Rotary Spark Gap Transmitter to do the first ever radio audio broadcast. He was located in Brant Rock, Massachusetts. He played the violin and read parts of the Bible during the broadcast.
  • Marconi and Braun

    Marconi and Braun are rewarded. They both are met with a Nobel Prize in Physics. They were rewarded for their contributions to the developement of wireless telegraphy.
  • Wireless on Board

    The Wireless Ship Act is passed. This means all U.S. ships with over fifty passengers and going over 200 miles off coast has to have wireless equipment that works over 100 miles. This is due to a single wireless operator saving 1200 people with the wireless equipment.
  • Titanic

    The RMS Titanic sinks. Many people were stuck in the water. Without wireless equipment no one would have survived.
  • Wisconsin

    Wisconsin's first regular broadcast. Broadcasted from 9XM. The station is known as WHA today. It's first broadcasts were delivered in morse code.
  • Clarity

    The first clear voice transmissions were sent out from WHA. Music was used in 1917. Voice experementation was tried in 1918. Clear voice was achieved in 1919.
  • Westinghouse

    Westinghouse was located in Pittsburgh, PA. It became the US's first commercial broadcasting station. It was given the call letters "KDKA".
  • Entertainment

    Broadcasting for entertainment began in the UK. Near Chelmsford, England in Writtle, Broadcasts were sent from the Marconi research Centre. Many people tuned in.
  • AT&T

    AT&T began broadcasting. With rules from the RCA they got a monopoly over music and news broadcasting. That is until NBC and CBS came along.
  • World after War

    Nearing the end of and after WW2 music became big again. With music came radio again. Many seeked to hear happy music to bring up their spirits after the War.
  • Rock & Roll

    Rock and Roll reglorified the radio. With a new era of music on the way many more people started listening. Radio had began to find a new place in the peoples hearts.