First Transmit
Heinrich Hertz proved we could transmit and receive electric waves wirelessly -
First transmission over open seas
Marconi sent the first wireless communication over open seas. It went over the Bristol Channel in Wales -
Tesla Coil
Nikola Tesla developed the first induction coil which is widely used in the radio -
The Audion Tube
Is the first amplifier used to help push waves further and further by providing power to the signal -
Federal Commission Radio
It was created to clean up station broadcast chaos. It was later turned into the FRC (Federal Communication Commission) -
The Golden Era of Radio
During the Great Depression and War people needed and escape from all the chaos going on. Some popular shows were Superman, Gunsmoke and Little Orphan Anne. -
FM radio is invented
Edwin Armstrong created FM radio which is what we use today. It helps radio come through with a higher dynamic range of music which made it more clear