Hertz discovers radio waves
Hertz did a series of experimeants to prove radio waves. he proved it existed mathmatically, He discoverd many radio properties and is very much credited for the making of the radio. -
Marconi was the first who supposedly invented the radio. He sent a radio signal of 2.4 kilometers. He was awarded the nobel prize. -
The radio was used on ocean vessles and ships and became more widespread. When the titanic sunk the transmissions save alot of lives. Radio had then become more popular. -
AM (Amplitude Modulation)
Ever seen AM on your radio before? Well it stands for amplitude modulation and it changes the height of radio waves. This is only used for talking cause FM has better sound quality. -
First Radio Station
8XK was the first ever radio sation created. The name was later changed to be KDKA, and it is still used in pennsylvania. Frank Conrad was the creator. -
Uncle charlies
Another named used for independent radio stations. anyone with the money and equipment for a station could create one. Broadcasting became a problem later on in time. -
Federal Radio Comission
This was a governmeant body created due to alot of personal radio stations. advertisers complained because personal radio stations were taking over thier frequencies. They were spending money for nothing. -
FM Frequency Modulation
Frequecy modulation is thp other station on your radio thatyo always wonder about. FM is the process of extending and collapsing the distance of the radio. This frequency is only used for music cause of its clarity. -
as Major Edwin Armstrong made the FM radio, Music beacme the savior of radio. Radio began to play music on FM radio waves. Music became essential for the survival of radio. -
The transistor was a powerful tool used to amplify frequencies as well as change them. This invention changed televistion and radio forever. John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley all participated in the creation of the transistor.