Radio history

  • Heinrich hertz

    Heinrich hertz
    He proved you could transmit and receive electric waves wirelessly. Would send transmissions
  • Guglielmo Marconi sending first wireless transmission

    Guglielmo Marconi sending first wireless transmission
    Marconi sent the first wireless communication over open sea. The morse code message read "Are you ready." The next transmission went 10 miles.
  • Over the pond message

    Over the pond message
    The first transatlantic message from the US was in 1903. Marconi built a station which sent a message from Massachusetts to the UK.
  • The first radio station

    The first radio station
    In Pittsburgh they create the first radio station in the US.
  • First radio commercial

    First radio commercial
    WEAF aired a 10 minute broadcast for an apartment complex charging $50.
  • FM radio stations

    FM radio stations
    Edwin Armstrong created FM radio to allow the high dynamic range of music. It allowed stations to play certain music.
  • The Golden Era of radio

    The Golden Era of radio
    Radio became a way to escape from the Great Depression and War. The radio was entertainment to people back in 1930s and 1940s.