Radio History

  • Period: to

    History of Radio

  • Marconi and the invention of radio

    Marconi and the invention  of radio
    In 1895 sent and recieved the first radio signal.
  • Audion Tube

    Audion Tube
    Lee de forest created or borrowed the idea to crate a vaccum that amplifed signals. Believed to be created by a candidan but he did not make it in history.
  • Radio Stations

    Radio Stations
    Where a family medium the whole family could enjoy. You could create a radio broadcast in your basement ifyou had the equipment. Alot of companies would use radio stations for there ads costing not as much money as it would now.
  • The dawn of advertising

    The dawn of advertising
    This is how radio stations make money. in 1922 WEAF air a 10 minute commercial for $50. It was the first commercial.
  • The creation of the FRC

    The creation of the FRC
    Sinc shows like Uncle charli were getting to poplaur and thus taking more signals other radio stations wernt getting as much airtime. They than had create the FRC to have a linceses issued and call letters.
  • Period: to

    Golden Era

    It was height of the radio. It was in the 30s and 40s where america had a war. It was in the middle of the geat depression and people where needing cash. It helped people escape from harsh times. It was a great family medium
  • The rise of a new medium. TV

    The rise of a new medium. TV
    Due to the growing popularity of tv radio stations had to come with something to keep them alive. So they turned to music since at the time the only way to listen to music was through going to a dineror to a place that had it.
  • Golden Era

    Golden Era
    It was height of the radio. It was in the 30s and 40s where america had a war. It was in the middle of the geat depression and people where needing cash. It helped people escape from harsh times. It was a great family medium
  • Radio vs Now

    Radio vs Now
    Due to the rising popularity of apps like pandora or spotify people dont use the radio as much. Those apps allow more freedom than radio andare usally moe up to date. But radio is still a intergal part of soceity and wont be gone for a long time.