radio history

  • the first hertz

    the first hertz
    Heinrich Hertz detects and produces radio waves
  • the first radio

    the first radio
    the first radio was invented in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi
  • antenna

    marconi invents first directional radio antenna
  • radio receiver

    radio receiver
    Edwin armstrong patenets radio receiver circuit
  • first music on radio

    first music on radio
    the first time music was played in 1920 by an unlicensed professor
  • fm radio

    fm radio
    fm radio is born but only in mono
  • reduction of radio

    reduction of radio
    television is Brin and there is a major reduction of radio listeners
  • small studio

    small studio
    first small studio is built
  • radio receiver double

    radio receiver double
    The number of radio receivers in the world exceeds the number of newspapers printed daily
  • approves fm

    approves fm
    FCC approves FM stereo broadcasting, which spurs FM development.
  • fm plans

    fm plans
    FM plans are finalized for WCBN
  • digital fm

    digital fm
    In Paris an experimental digital FM transmitter begins operation.