
Radio history

  • First concept of radio

    First concept of radio
    Alba Edison create radio receiver
  • Transmition of electromagnetic energy

    Transmition of electromagnetic energy
    Nikola Tesla wirelessly transmitted electromagnetic energy.
  • First public demostration

    Nikola Tesla made the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis.
  • Patent of the radio apparatus

    Patent of the radio apparatus
    Guglielmo Marconi filed for patent protection of his radio apparatus.
  • Wireless telegrah and signal company

    Guglielmo Marconi established the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company.
  • First transAtlantic signal

    First transAtlantic signal
    First transAtlantic signal sent-by Marconi from Ireland to Canada
  • Amateur radio introduced to the U.S.

    Amateur radio introduced to the U.S.
    Amateur radio introduced to the U.S. via a Scientific American article on “How to Construct an Efficient Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus at Small Cost.”
  • First transmition with speech and music

    First transmition with speech and music
    Reginald Fessenden is the 1st to transmit a program of speech and music.
  • First airplan radiotransmition

    First airplan radiotransmition
    First radio transmission from an airplane.
  • First on-air advertisement

    First on-air advertisement
    The first on-air advertisement was carried by a New York station.
  • First permanent national networks

    First permanent national networks
    The first permanent national network, NBC, was formed. CBS followed a year later.
  • Order to chaotic airwaves

    The Federal Radio Commission established to bring order to chaotic airwaves.
  • Presidencial fireside chats

    Presidencial fireside chats
    Franklin D. Roosevelt broadcast the first of his 30 “fireside chats”
  • Cellular radio telephony

    Cellular radio telephony
    Cellular radio telephony, with call handoff and frequency reuse, was conceived at Bell Laboratories
  • First commercial transistor radio

    First commercial transistor radio
    Texas Instruments produces the first commercial transistor radio, launching the portable electronic age.
  • Radio on internet

    Radio on internet
    A radio station from ecuador dcided to make his transmition by internet to population
  • Radio to the world

    Radio to the world
    TuneIn begins bringing radio to the world