Radio History

  • Heinrich Hertz Death

    Heinrich Hertz Death
    He proved that electricity can be transmitted through electromagnetic waves. He basically proved radio waves could be made wireless. He was also the first person to show that it could be done.
  • First radio signals

    First radio signals
    An Italian inventor sent and recieved the first radio signal. His name was Marconi. The signal was similiar to Morse Code, not the normal music we hear on the radio today.
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    Arc- transmitter

    A compact method for making continuous wave radio signals. It was made by Valdemar Poulsen. Early experiments ith audio oftren used this device.
  • Audion Tube

    Audion Tube
    Lee De Forest created the idea for the audion tube. He actually seemed to havve "borrowed" the idea from Candian inventor Reginald Fessenden. The audion tube is a simplified amplifier.
  • Titanic sinking

    Titanic sinking
    Radio waves became very importat when the Titanic sinking occurred. Marine industry realized that radio waves could save the lives of passengers on ships. More souls could have parished if the radio waves hadn't been invented. Radio waves signaled other ships surrounding the Titanic to come to the wreckage sight.
  • First radio station

    First radio station
    The first public radi station was 8XK. 8XK was later named KDKA. It was created by Frank Conrad. It is still in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania today.
  • First Commercial

    First Commercial
    WEAF aired a 10 minute commercial. It cost $50. The toll broadcast was for an apartment complex.
  • Federal Communicaions Commision

    Federal Communicaions Commision
    In 1927, the FRC was established. It organized the licensing of transmitters. It also assigned radio stations their frequencies and call letters. Also, their power limits.
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    Golden Era

    The golden era happened in the 3o's and 40's. it stared during the great depression. People wer hurting for money , it provided a way out of reality for people.
  • Complete FM system

    Complete FM system
    Edwin H. Armstrong created the complete Fm radio system. It is a wide-band frequency. He recieved the patent on a wide-band FM in 1933.
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    Radio's downfall

    TV make an apperane in the late 30's. As the TVs popularity grew , advertisers left and went to TV. Radio started to lose money, radio show left.
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    First person who got credit for the patent on radio technoloy. The Supreme Court overruled Marconi's ptent in 1943. The patents were specifically for wireless techonology.
  • Death of Elvis

    Death of Elvis
    The death of Elvis Presley came as a shock to the nation. His music is still around today nd will live on for many more years to come. He was also an actor.
  • James Brown

    James Brown
    James Brown was an american reording artist and musician. he was on of the fathers of funk music. He was a major figure of 20th-century popular music and dance. he was knowed as "The Godfather of Soul.
  • Death of Michael Jackson

    Death of Michael Jackson
    On june 25 , 2099 Michael jackson of a cardiac arrest. Jackson death triggered greif around the the world causing growth in music sales.jackson death is ranked no. 1 on VH1 classic's list of 100 most Shocking Moments in Musics. he was knowed as the KIng of Pop