Radio History

  • Marconi

    An italian inventor named Marconi was the first to send and recieve a radio signal.
  • Audion Tube

    Lee De Forest invented or borrowed the idea of the Audion Tube which amplified radio signals. People say that a Canadian inventor named Reginald Fessenden actually came up with the idea.
  • Radio Station KDKA

    First radio station,8XK, that was later named KDKA. The station is still around today.
  • Advetising

    In February 1922, AT&T announced they would begin selling "toll broadcasting" to advertisers, in which businesses would underwrite or finance a broadcast, in exchange for being mentioned on the radio.WEAF of New York is credited with airing the first paid radio commercial, on August 28, 1921.
  • FRC

    FRC was established in 1927. Organizes the licensing of transmitters. Uncle Charlie was too popular.
  • Golden Era

    In the middle of the Great Depression, radio got really popular. There where alotof famous shows that aired on the radio.
  • Tv

    As popularity grew,Advertisers moved to tv. The radio loses money so the shows stop airing. " Tv will do to radio what the cars did to the horses'.
  • Music

    Music became popular on the radio because before radio the only way to listen to music was to actually buy records, go to concerts, or listen on Jukeboxes.
  • radio progression

    Major Edwin Armstrong invented the FM radio. Listeners were forced to buy new radio sets. Talk on AM and music on FM.