Radio history

By lilash5
  • Marconi

    an italian inventor who sent and receivd the first radio signal.
  • Thomas eddison

    In the Nineteenth Century Thomas Edison noticed a blackening on the inside of his burning light bulb. He believed it to be caused by electrons and he named it the “Edison Effect.”
  • Audion Tube

    Lee De Forest created (borrowed) the new idea for the audion tube, a vaccum tube that amplifies signals.
  • radio stations

    radio stations were created
  • the dawn of advertising

    a 10 minute commercial, and brodcasts for apartment complex charging was $50
  • Roger's Batteryless Receiver Model

    Roger's Batteryless Receiver Model 130, built in 1925
  • FRC

    FRC was established.
  • the great depression

    people were hurting for $$$$$$$$$$
  • The father of commercial broadcasting

    Henry P. Davis died in 1931
  • fixing the problem with the 250 watt spark transmitter,

    the switch from a distant frequency to a nearby station resulted in a dramatic increase in volume. The invention of the automatic loudspeaker in 1928 improved this problem immensely.