Marconi created the first radio, he also sent and receved his first signal -
audion tube
a tube used to amplify singals -
nobel prize
Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Braun were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for "development of wireless telegraphy". -
Radio stations
the first brodcast is 8XK but later renamed KDKA -
WEAF aired their first advertisment for 10 minutes charging 50 dollars evey 10 minutes. -
Uncle Charlie
uncle charlies was when people started to creat theit own radio station, but the FRC later called the FCC because AD didn't get that many listeners. -
the FMradio was patented by edwin armstrong, FM was used to reduce static radio waves. -
W1XOJ, the first experimental FM radio station, was granted a construction permit by the FCC -
RADIO music
Elvis Presley and others were getting air play and selling records. -
the beatle went on radio in 1963 -
Music today
now music has been on radio every since it stared.