Radio Evolution

  • First known instance of wireless aerial communication.

    Significance: This opened up the world to wireless technology. prior to this communication was done on the ground with wired technology like phones.
  • Invention of the radio

    Transmission and radiation of radio frequency energy was a feature exhibited in the experiments by Nikola Tesla' a serbian inventor and engineer. this invention allowed world wide public comunication
  • wireless telegraph

    First "wireless telegraph" newpaper message, relaying the results of a sailing competition, transmitted from a sea vessel to the newspaper the Daily Express.
  • First Broadcast

    Radio's first news broadcast provided to sailing ships.
  • The U.S. Patent Office reversed its decision, awarding Marconi a patent for the invention of radio

    Significance: we had to give the credit to someone and withought Marconi the radio wouldnt have gotten as far as it did
  • AM radio was invented

    Significance: this allowed for more than one radio statioin to send signals at a time as opposed to the spark-gap radio system.
  • Broadcasting Boom

    "Broadcasting Boom" occurs as technological advances in radio and the
    industry's increasing popularity prove the medium to be a valuable
    commercial tool.
  • CBS

    Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), a second national network, formed.
  • Info

    Two-thirds of American households own at least one radio.
  • Father Radio

    New York DJ Barry Gray discovers interviewing celebrities on air garner higher ratings than playing music alone. Gray is unofficially dubbed the "Father of Talk Radio."
  • Color Tv introduced

    Color television introduced in U.S.
  • The GPS constellation of satellites was launched.

    Significance: this revolutionized navigation even helping the navy navigate threw the oceans
  • Automatic driven cars

    These are driven withot a drivers
  • Sensing Radio

    The radio is worked by how you feel and what you want without you having to change it.