Radio was Invented
In 1985 the "first" radio message was sent by a man named Guglielme Marconi, althought some people believe this could of not been the first but merely someone taking credit. They say this because in that time people were given credit for something if they simply went around telling people they did it. The message sent however, wasnt an ordinary music or voice message. We know it was a message, but it could of merely been a couple taps or a random sound that he sent. -
First AM Broadcast
Reginald Fessenden created the first AM voice transmission using a spark gap transmitter. He made the connection between damped waves and wireless telegraphy. He also discovered "heterodying". -
Titanic and Radio
There were issues with radio on the titanic. This is one thing that contributed to many deaths. Faults within the radios cause the rescue search to be prolonged and take an extended amount of time. Although without radios much more would of most likely perished as opposed to the number who did with the extended search. -
First Broadcast From 9XM
9XM was a broadcast station at the University of Wisconsin. They first sent out speeches over the radio. They than began to send regular morse code message. Than music was broadcasted. Later on they had regular scheduled music and speech broadcasts. -
First Liscenced Station Goes Live
KDKA went live on this day for the first time liscenced. Due to the recent laws for radio at the time, they had to get a liscence to continue broadcasting. They were the first to do this and so they were the first live liscenced radio station. -
FM in Germany
After the end of ww2, germany wasnt feeling too well. This was when FM radio made a boom in their society. Although the frequencys they could listen to were still restricted due to the recent happenings, they still had radio. After using some amps, FM was considered better than using AM radio.