Radio Days

  • KDKA transmitted the first scheduled broadcast.

  • Period: to

    Radio Days

  • KDKA broadcast its first professional baseball game

  • KDKA broadcast its first professional football game

  • The first president inauguration

  • Barn Dance aired on WSM-AM

  • The Radio Act of 1927 replaced the Department of Commerce

  • In-car radios were manufactured

  • FM radio was created

  • President Roosevelt addressed the nation

  • Federal Radio Commission was replaced by Federal Communications Commission

  • A football game between the Bears and the Lions aired on Thanksgiving day

  • Experiments with FM broadcasts at 40 kw power

  • The first demonstration of FM radio technology to the Commission

  • The first AM construction permit was issued

  • The first World Series was announced

  • War of the Worlds was aired, causing mass panic throughout the nation

  • Columbia University Radio Club began airing

  • KTU broadcast live updates on the attack of Pearl Harbor

  • President Harry Truman announced Germany's surrender

  • FM moved from 42-44 MHz to 88-108 MHz