
By as9425
  • radio discovered

    radio discovered
    In 1894 Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi sent out the first radio waves. His system was based on airborne Hertzin waves. Not many people however belive Marconi was the orginal inventor.
  • First transalantic Transmission

    First  transalantic Transmission
    After sending a transmission across the English Channel Marconi has anoher plan. He was gonna send a single from England to Massachutes. Storms ruined the aantenas. He did rebuild them relocated and was abl to send the first transalantic transmission.
  • DeForest creates triode

    DeForest creates triode
    DeForest invinted the triode or as we know today as the ammplifier. With this invention we could now make radio singles travel futher. Or even communicate with friends and family futher.
  • AT&T sees potential

    AT&T sees potential
    AT&T sees major potential in DeForest troide. They the benefit of being able to make long distance phone calls
  • WWI

    Gov. orders all radio stations to shut down for defense purposes, afte the United States enters World War 1. Vacume Tube improved War communication.
  • CBS & NBC

    CBS & NBC
    after breaking apart from the AT&T monolopy CBS and NBC form as first radio networks
  • GOV License

    GOV License
    Westing House is asked to go on the air on a regular basis to send out music and stuff. They applied in Novemeber and become the frst station to receive a offical gov license
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    As the Great Depression takes it toll on America people begin to listen to the radio to cheer them up and give them hope
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    In June companies begin producing TV however on December 7, 1941 after Pearl Harbor the radio industry is mostly used for war
  • War in Europe

    War in Europe
    Walter, Edward, and others become the first radio journalist as they give news and interview people about the wat in Europe
  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    Rock and Roll emerges with starts like Elvis radio becomes popular again
  • Radio Looses music

    Radio Looses music
    With TV becomig a national icon most DJs leave the radio to be on TV. Radio left with news
  • The Beattles

    The Beattles
    Just as music was getting dull on the readio The Beatles and the Rolling Stones came from GB and saved the music
  • Am tries to make a comeback

    Am tries to make a comeback
    In the late 90s AM tries to make one last comeback
  • 1999

    Now entire radio shows/Broadcast can be edited and stored on a computer