
  • first communication

    first communication
    First radio waves where sent for people to listen for the first time.
  • Period: to

    evolution of radio

  • soldier of peace

    soldier of peace
    This was a speech delivered by Mahatma Gandhi during a meeting for the women's league for peace and freedom.
  • the KDKA election broadcast

    the KDKA election broadcast
    The first aived live returns from the presidential election race between warren Harding and James Cox.
  • first firside chat

    first firside chat
    FDR gave 30 speeches where he spoke directly to millions of Americans through the radio.
  • The Hindenburg Disaster

    The Hindenburg Disaster
    Herbert Morrison's eyewitness report for radio station WLS in Chicago.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Declaration of war he spoke over the radio to the German people about his vision.
  • The Fight Of The Century

    The Fight Of The Century
    An American boxer Joe Louis was a 10 to 1 favorite over Max Schelling this broadcast had two countries reputations on the line.
  • The War of the Worlds

    The War of the Worlds
    A startling report of mysterious creatures and terrifying war machines it was a Halloween episode that was put on radio.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    We shall fight on the beaches was a speech to the British war effort.
  • V-J day

    V-J day
    The surrender to the Japanese people on radio Tokyo.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    Radio report to the American people on the Soviet arms buildup in Cuba for thirteen days.
  • Martin Luther King Jr speech

    Martin Luther King Jr speech
    "I Have A Dream" speech broadcast by hundreds of radio stations to listen to a man's dreams.