220px old radio


  • Who invent it and when?

    Who invent it and when?
    In 1873 the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell formulated the theory of electromagnetic waves, which are the basis of radio.In 1887 the German physicist Heinrich Hertz confirmed the theories of Maxwell, discovering the way to produce and detect electromagnetic waves, and in 1894 the Croatian Nikola Tesla made his first public demonstration of a radio transmission.Soon, in 1895, the Italian Guillermo Marconi built the first radio system,
  • What it is?

    What it is?
    Radiocommunication is the technology that enables the transmission of signals through the modulation (of its frequency or amplitude) of electromagnetic waves.These waves do not require a physical means of transport, so they can propagate through vacuum.A radio wave originates when a charged particle (for example, an electron) extends to a frequency located in the radiofrequency (RF) zone of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • how does it work?

    how does it work?
    As a means of communication, it requires a specific form of transmission.The act of speaking reaches its maximum expression, so it is fundamental for the radio journalist to control his voice, which is his work tool.For Zanabria, "the timbre, the tone, the intensity, the intonation, the accent, the modulation, the speed and the intervals are the nuances that determine the style of the radio"