
Rachel Louise Carson

  • Robert and Marie Carson give birth to Rachel Carson May 27, 1907 in Springdale , Pennsylvnia.

    Robert and Marie Carson give birth to Rachel Carson May 27, 1907 in Springdale , Pennsylvnia.
  • Rachel starts school in Springdale

    Rachel starts school in Springdale
  • Rachel Carson begins to get interested with reading and writing and starts to write poems and stories

    Rachel Carson begins to get interested with reading and writing and starts to write poems and stories
  • Rachel graduates from Parnassus High School and signs up for Pennsylvania College for Women(today called Chatham College )

    Rachel graduates from Parnassus High School and signs up for Pennsylvania College for Women(today called Chatham College )
  • Graduates From Pennsylvania College for Women and and Rachel gets offered to study at the Marine Biological Labratory at Woods Hole,Massachusetts.She sees the ocean for the very first time

    Graduates From Pennsylvania College for Women and and Rachel gets offered to study at the Marine Biological Labratory at Woods Hole,Massachusetts.She sees the ocean for the very first time
  • Rachel Carson Gets her Masters Degree for marine biology from John Hopkins University

    Rachel Carson Gets her Masters Degree for marine biology from John Hopkins University
  • Rachel's dad,Robert, dies suddenly

    Rachel's dad,Robert, dies suddenly
  • Rachels joins the Bureau of FIsheries

    Rachels joins the Bureau of FIsheries
  • The Atlantic Monthly publishes Rachel's article "Undersea".

    The Atlantic Monthly publishes  Rachel's article "Undersea".
  • Rachel's first book "Under the Sea Wind" is published

    Rachel's first book "Under the Sea Wind" is published
  • Rachels sends a letter to Readers Digest suggesting that they should write a story about pesticides

    Rachels sends a letter to Readers Digest suggesting that they should write a story about pesticides
  • Rachels book "The Sea Around Us" is published and becomes a New York Times Bestseller for 86 weeks

    Rachels book "The Sea Around Us" is published and becomes a New York Times Bestseller for 86 weeks
  • Rachels goes to Maine and builds a seaside cottage

    Rachels goes to Maine and builds a seaside cottage
  • Rachel publishes " The Edge of the Sea" which also becomes a bestselller

    Rachel publishes " The Edge of the Sea" which also becomes a bestselller
  • Rachel begins to work on learning about pesticide use and documents it

    Rachel begins to work on learning about pesticide use and documents it
  • "Silent Spring" a book about pesticides being used harmfully on plants and killing plants animals, and harmful n animals is published and becomes a bestseller

    "Silent Spring" a book about pesticides being used harmfully on plants and killing plants animals, and harmful n animals is published and becomes a bestseller
  • Rachel Carson's findings in Silent Spring is supported by John F. Kennedy's Sciens Advisory Committee

    Rachel Carson's findings in Silent Spring is supported by John F. Kennedy's Sciens Advisory Committee
  • Rachel Carson dies of Breast Cancer and a heart attack

    Rachel Carson dies of Breast Cancer and a heart attack