Rachel Carson

By 1500160
  • Born

    May 27, 1907 Pennsylvania
  • Under the Sea Wind (1941),

    Under the sea was made by Rachel Carson in 1941
  • Rachel Carson

    Rachel Carson
    Bob Hines and Rachel Carson conducting research in Florida, 1952.
  • National Book Award

    she was awarded the 1952 National Book Award in nonfiction.
  • Edge Of the Sea

    The Edge of the Sea (1955), gained wide praise and popularity for their lyrical prose and readability
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Book cover of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, first published in 1962.
  • Dead

    She died in 1964 because of
  • DDT Banned

    DDT Banned
    DDT was banned because Rachel Carson persuade the government.
  • Best Sellar

    The book became a best seller in the U.S. and abroad, and led to a 1973
  • Medal

    She was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1980.