Judy is born in Elizabeth,New Jersey
Judy's grandma dies of pneumonia
Her Brother David develops a kidney infection
Judy moves to Miami, Florida
Judy starts third grade
Judy starts fourth grade
Judy has her 1st party
Judy goes to high school
Blume meets her best friend, Mary Sullivan
Judy Graduates with High Honors
Nanny Mama (grandma) dies of cancer
Period: to
Judy goes to college for two years
Judy develops Monoucleosis and leaves Boston University
After recovery, Judy goes to New York University
Judy meets John Blume
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Judy and John date.
John and Judy get married
Judy has her first child,a daughter named Randy
Judy has her second child, a son named Larry
Judy writes One in the Middle is the Greeen Kangaroo
Period: to
Judy writes Are you there God it's me Margaret
Judy and John divorce
Judy writes Are You there God? Its me Margaret
Judy writes Superfudge
Judy Marries George Cooper
Judy currently lives in New York City