Quincy Bolen Family

By peart47
  • Birth of William Quincy Bolen

  • Birth of Ida May Boyd

  • Quincy's brother marries Ida's sister

  • Death of Quincy's mother

  • Marriage of Quincy & Ida

  • Birth of son Lester

  • Moved to Herrin, birth of son Luther

  • Birth of baby boy

  • Birth of daughter Cecile

  • Death of Quincy's father

  • Purchased home, birth of son Kenneth

  • U.S. enters WWI

  • Death of Ida's father

  • Herrin Masacre

  • Stock market crashes

  • Death of Ida's mother

  • Death of Quincy

  • Pearl Harbor

  • End of WWII

  • Ida sells home

  • Death of Ida