Sublime Empire: Ottoman
The Ottoman empire is important in history because the empire had great controll over trade and helped the islam religon become more relavant and wide spread. -
Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange were an event where items carried over to and from the new world following Columbus' exploration. The columbian exchange brought many great things like animals and food but travelers from europe also brought diseases to the new world. It is a very important part of history since without it many of the resorces from the east and west part of the world would not be able to be delivered to each other. -
Scientific revolution
The Scientific Revolution was a period of time when humans esspecially in europe made big steps in the idea of the universe. Before the revolution almost everybody belived that whatever there religon had told them about the universe was true but once scientist became awhere of how the universe was created, many people shifted there belifes. -
Translantic Slave Trade
It was the trading of slaves in america in from 1600 to the mid 1800s where many african americans and women were inslaved. Most of these slaves were taken from other countrys. -
English Civil War
The main reasons for the English CIvil War, are the anger the citizens had for the king. They thought of him as evil. Charles the 1st had a set and stone belife that kings should take full power in england. Finally one more main difference was the religous dissagrements. -
Isaac Newtons 3 laws of motion
In 1687, Isaac Newton created the 3 laws of motion which are:
1. an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it.
2. the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration
3. when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction. These laws are significant because they tells us exactly how things move which can help significantly in science. -
Trans Saharan Trade
It a very large trade network through the sahara desert which is the larges desert in the world. Trade route mostly went from west africa kingdoms to medertarinian kingdoms. -
Volitaire, Letters Concerning the English Nation, 1726
Volitaires letter mostly concern the religons in london. He states that multiple religons in one place would result in peace. He also states that one religion would be to boring and that 2 would cause massive fights. He belives that having multiple religons, would cause smaller groups, improving everybody around understanding of the religon causing peace. -
American Revolution
After the british arrives in the "New World" the 13 colinies were settled. Due to crazy new tax laws going back to the english, the newly settled americans decided to go against england to become indeperdent. WIth the help of the french they ended up obtaining there independence -
French Revolution
The French revolution was when the people in both higher class and lower class dethroned the counties monarchy and putt a new goverment/system in place that made the french happy -
decloration of rights
opium wars
The opium wars were several conflicts between china and multiple western powers. Due to increase of opium trade, for the first time china was having more things imported than exported. This made it so western powers thought china was to powerfull -
Maori Tribe Confiscation
In 1840 settlers confiscated land from Maori tribes and eventually they took over most of the country by 1939. This was significant because maori tribes had access to most if not all of the country. -
Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx was about how communism makes a society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor equally. Also it eliminates the class system through redistribution income. This is significant because it persuade laborers to rise and revolt for the overthrowing the replacing the capitalism with communism -
The fall of the Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire was a Muslim dynasty that were especially known for India's greatest patrons of art. Also, they dominated much of South Asia for many years. During Mughal rule, Muslims averaged only about 15 percent of the population. One of the main reasons for the fall of the empire was Religious intolerance. Also, Foreign invasions stoped remaining strength of the Mughals and hastened the process of disintegration. -
Xhosa Cattle Killing
The Xhosa Cattle killing was when people belived that killing cattle would make the british colinizers leave. This is significant because it led to a very large amount of catlle to be killed. Also it overall led to a humanitarian crisis. -
sepoy rebellion
The sepoy rebellion was a event that happend in india that went against british rule in india. Although the rebelion was a filure some small victories for the sepoys were the abolishment of the british east india company and the sepoys were able to capture a few smal cities for some time. The british raj would then rule over india for 90 years -
Industrial Imperalism
created oppritunities for Europe to expand and successfully make profit of colinies overseas. This helped collect raw matericals and population which would brinmg them more resorces in the long run. -
Industrialization in Japan
In Japan, Industrialization was a net positive due to the increase in economy, population, and building of things like ships and schools. -
Yaa Asantewaa (influential asanti queen)
Yaa Asantewaa was a women who was a leader of the asanti. She took this role after the asanti were in a war with the british when the british invaded them. She became the leader, human rights activist and, a war leader. This gave her the title of the queen of Ejisu. -
The Battle of Adwa
The battle of adwa was a battle between ethiopea and the italians when the italians were attemting to invade etheopea. Etheopea faught back by creating an army of over 100,000 people. -
Boxer rebellion
The boxer rebellion was a uprising against foreigners that happened after many european and american countrys attempted to take over china. They were anti-christian and did not want any foreigners even visiting there country. -
Idustrilization in Britain
The main cities that went through industrialization in england are Liverpool, Huddersfield and more. These cites all brought a large amount of people and the coities produced both jobs and polution. -
Herero Uprising
The Herero Uprising was an event the happened in german east india. This was large armed rebellion against german rule after a large amount of land was taken from innocent people.This was significant because the Germans were unprepared for the attacks and they lost hundreds of colonial setllers. -
The Russo Japanese War
The Russo Japanese War was a conflict in which Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy. This was significant because it was one of the key events that lead to WWI. Also, It was the first modern asian power to beat the Europeans. -
the Deng Era
Chinese politician who served as the leader of the People's Republic of China. He was significant because Deng led China away from a planned economy and Maoist ideas. -
Maji Maji rebellion
The Maji Maji Rebellion happened in German east idia and it was armed rebellion against german colonial rule since the Germans were forcing the Indiginous population to grow cotton. This rebellion was significant since it was the biggest African challenge to German colonial rule during the brief period when Germany had African colonies. -
Mexican Revolution
The Meican Revolution took place after a dictatorship in the country continued to a point were the people had to do something. After taking down the dictatorship mexico changed its rules in order to make it so a person was not allowed to be an president for more then one turn. This makes the evnt significant. -
End of Dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz
A man named Francisco Madero attempted to run against Porfirio Díaz in the 1910 election who had been ruling for 31 years. Madero led a revolt that started the Mexican Revolution. In 1911 forces captured Ciudad Juarez which forced Díaz to capitulate and flee into exile -
Chinas Final Emperor
Chinas final emperor, Puyi was forced to step down because of the end of the Xinhai Revolution. This was extreemly significant because this was end the 2000 year rule of emperors. -
World War 1
World was a global war with over 30 countrys that were involoved. It was significant for many reasons but the main being that it was the falll of 4 major empires like Germany, Russia, Austria Hungary, and Turkey -
The Battle of Penang 1914
The Battle of Penang in 1914 was a battle in the Indian Ocean during World War I. This battle was significant because it highlighted the lack of war-time preparations by the British harbour. -
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of austria. His death was significant because His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia. Which then started World War 1 in a sense. -
Russian Revolution
The russian revolution started when factory workers and women with few right began to protest. Also, the bolsheviks led by lenin took controll of the peetrograd. The bolshiviks were able to institute a communist govenment. This was significant because it changed the govenment ways of russia overall. -
Egypt Industrialization
Overall Industrialization failed but it was a major producer in products like cottonand more. -
Rise of Stalin
Stalin was a man who framing himself as the successor to Lenin after Lennin passed. In the 1920s, Stalin used his position to expel critics within the Communist Party and take controll of the party. This was significant because under his controll, socialogy became the main idiology. -
Fascism was a syle society where there is a government ruled by a dictator in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. This style of govenment was used by germany in the early 1920s. -
chinese communist revolution
Chinese Communist Revolution was a social and political revolution that culminated in the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. This was significant because it dirupeted power between regions and created more tension. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a world wide economic crash that originated in america. Due to this, basic needs and raw materials was found hard to come by. This would cause loss of jobs and income for everybody. -
Nazis in World War 2
During the 1920s, Hitler and the Nazis were anti-communism, antisemitism, and ultranationalism. Nazi party leaders vociferously criticized democratic government and the Treaty of Versailles. This led them to break that treaty starting WW2. This is significant because Hitler destroyed the nation's democraticness and transformed Germany into a war state. -
World War 2
World War 2 was a world wide war that started when Adolf Hitler's invaded Poland which would lead Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany starting World War II. -
The Holocaust was the genocide of Jews during World War II. In 1941 through 945, Nazi Germany and others murdered about six million Jews. -
German Art in WW2
Art in germany in world war 2 was important because Germany used art a form of propoganda. This art consisted of happy photos of hitler and quotes about motivation and joining the war. This was significant because it convinced Germans to join the war effort and the Holocaust. -
War technology in WW2
Inventions the jeep, granades, machine guns and the atomic bomb helped allies win World War II. This was significant because the new technology made war much different. For example instead of hiing in trenches, atomic bombs like the one that destroyed Hiroshima were the new more dangarous tactics. -
The Seven Sisters
After World War 2 seven oil companies known as the 7 sisters who dominated the oil production. This was significant because one of the companys organized a boycot that hurt world economy -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The Bombing of Hiroshima took place in world war one when the United States used the nuclear bomb for the first time in history. This would cause Japan to eventually surrender. -
Cold War
period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. It started in 1947 and lasted to 1991. It was significant becuase it dirupted the balence of power -
mao zedong
Mao is considered one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. He has been credited with transforming China becuase he led the great leap. He was significant becuase he advanced many industries. -
Degression of the Aral sea
in the early 1900s, the soviets began to drain the Aral Sea for agricultural purposes. This was significant because it led to the sea losing more than 80 percent of its water. This also led to issues for both the citenzens and fishermen who used to work or get water from the sea. -
Mohammad Mosadegh's controll of the oil in Iran
Mohammad Mosadegh became the prime minister of Iran in 1951 and at the time britain controlled all of Oil running in Iran. Mosadegh was significant because he siezed controll of the indrustry and made iran controll the Oil. -
battle of algiers
Due to french controll in algeria the FLN attacked the french and tried to take over. The French authorities, army, and French terrorist organizations against the FLN. Both sides targeted civilians throughout the battle. -
suez crisis
The suez crisis happened after egypt became independent while the british and french both had controll over the canal. This cuased them to invade it once egypt took over. other countries such as the soviet union and USA were involved. This was significant because it created war and tension in the middle east. -
The Great Leap Foward
economic and social movement of China from 1958 to 1962, led by the Chinese Communist Party. It was significant because industrys were deveoped. -
apartheid policy
The apartheid policy or system of segregation or discrimination on race. It was significant because it was aimed to separate the minoritarian white population from the Black population. -
The Brezhnev era
Brezhnev replaced Khrushchev as Soviet leader in 1964. The Era began with high economic growth, but eventually significant problems in social, political, and economic areas were built up. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
was a 13 day battle between the Us and the soviet union. This was significant because the US deployed nuclear weapons in Italy and Turkey. -
Era of Stagnation
The Era of Stagnation was a period in the USSR when multiple problems were occurring in social, political, and economic areas. This was significant because it decreased people's support for the government which played a role in the fall of the Soviet Union -
The Oil Revolution
The shift of power from Western governments and companies to oil producers in the Middle East. This was significant because after war the oil industry then shifted back twards the west. -
chipko movement
The Chipko movement was based on forest conservation in India. The government's policies on deforestation caused protesters in the 1970s to engage in tree-hugging, wrapping their arms around trees so that they could not be taken down. This was significant because the people challenged the government's views on deforestation. -
Iranian Revolution
The Iranian Revolution, also known as the Islamic Revolution, was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. This was significant because it led to the establishment of an islamic republic. -
Soviet-Afghan War
The Soviet-Afghan War was a conflict between the soviet union and Afghanistan over control of Afghanistan. This was significant because the Afghans were able to win and keep control of the area. -
Environmentalism was a method to improve the environment by countries such as Australia, Britain, India, Japan, and the Soviet Union. This was significant because all these countries made an effort to become more diverse, and they all created new environmental laws. -
Chernobyl disaster
The Chernobyl disaster was the explosion of a powerful power plant. It was significant because it presented the necessary reformation of the government. -
Resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev was the president of the USSR but after many revolutions and the August coup, he was forced to resign. This was significant because it ultimately led to the fall of the soviet union