The Big Names
From research the two most influential institutions were DC and Marvel, therefore companies such as Paramount and Warner Bros seem most likely to part of the distribution proses as they are often seen with DC and Marvel titles. -
20th Century Fox
For example, 20th century fox production produced X-Men First Class, the Marvel comic. From looking at the lit of films that Fox has produces they range from Ice Age to Die Hard, proving production companies don’t stick with a theme. -
Iron Man Research
Iron man was produced by Paramount picture and Marvel Enterprise and Studio.When doing research into Iron Man 3, an upcoming film, I discovered that Marvel had dedicated a whole web page to it. This included the latest news on how the film was going, images of shots of the characters in the film, a paragraph briefly explaining the plot including questions to keep people interested, trailers and pre realised footage, and finally the audience’s comments. By creating a page entirely for Iron Man, -
After looking at the classifications of films with a psychological plot I concluded if advertisments were to be shown on the TV, they would be most approprete from 7'o'clock onwards. This is for two reasons, one the audiance the film is intended for are most likely to working throughout the day and TV time is limited to only the evening. Also as pychological films are often have 15 certificate and due to the content, wont be allowed to be shown at a time when young children are able to watch. -
Geating the Audiance Interested
From personal obsevations of how action films are advetised I have found they goto as many extrems as possible to creat interestin their product. Things like bilbourds, posters at bus stops as well on the side of buses are used to creat as big as buzz as possible I prevously spoke about the classification of the film being 15, but I do think with the combination of the superhero it will attract an audiance of a few years younger. -
Iron Man 3
I'v been doing further resaerch into Iron Man 3 and have noticed they haven’t gone into effect with billboards, posters and TV advertisements, but from I have made on other films there won’t be much longer to wait as the release data is not even three weeks away. In advertising this close to the date the producers will keep the audiences enthusiasm in wanting to see the film. -
Advertiment for Mind Over Matter
The product we created will most likely be available for DVD, Blue ray, and download if it were ever to be on sale. Also things such as poster, games, and the occasional other novelties and merchandise. Small gimmicks aimed at the younger, less mature audience will find amusing for a small amount of time are all done to create even more buzz about the film and t make money, these normally include the most recognised characters in the film. -
Spiderman Poster
For example; for a poster the face of the hero/villain could be dominating the image, split in half to show the characteristics of both personalities. Or a similar concept could be done with a mirror, with the Hero looking at the Villain reflection. Looking at posters from my previous research the villian and hero are portraid to be of equall power to one another. For example the Spiderman 3 poster. -
Own Advertisment
I personally think if doing an advertisement for our film, the basic concept would have to be explained as from research I took; I discovered this to be the main interest. I think sentences like “2 minds, 1 body” should appear, with distinctive dramatic stings. Bit size information in between clips keeps the audiences enthusiasm and interest, as well as being simple to read and take in. This style of informing the audience is done with probably every film advertisement made. With things such as