Going to school for the first time
i remember going to school for my first day telling us what she expects from us -
The donkeys
every day for about 5 days back when i was little there was 5 donkeys and they came and raided out front porch and eat all our flowers and mom and dad would get mad -
writing a paragraph
i remember when i was in the 2nd grade i had to write a big ol pargraph about what i want for chrismas -
My first puppy
I remember when i got my first puppy i was in love with it! It was so cute! -
Going to Disney land
Going to Disney land was a blast it was so cool and I remember looking at all the amazing sights that they had there -
first football game in middle school
i remember when i played my first game i had to lisson to jacob easton call plays -
First track meet
I remember stretching out waiting for my name to get called up and ready to run I got down and lission to the gun to go off and off I went -
Washington D.C
I remember on my 8th grade trip everyone was so different then from home how they speek and how everything was there and reading all the protest signs -
jacks birthday
Jack Wilson turned 16 and he had a birthday and all the football boy came over and we stayed up all night long lission to storys having a blast! -
sweet 16
i remember when i took my permit test with inmates while reading the most simple questions of my life