Queen Victoria

By Lloyd1
  • Queen Victoria is born

    Queen Victoria is born
    Queen Victoria was born on May 24, 1819 in the Keningston Palace. (Grant 5) In her life time she would become one of the longest reigning monachs of England. Second only to
    Queen Elizabeth ll.
  • Period: to

    Life of Queen Victoria

    Victoria was born in 1819. She becomes Queen queen at the age of 18 and Reigned from 1837-1901
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was an effort by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of Missouri for admission as a state the late 1819 where slavery would be permitted. To maintain an equal number of slave and free states, Missouri was allowed to become a slave state only when Maine was allowed to become a free state. (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • Queen Victoria's Father, Prince Edward dies

    Queen Victoria's Father, Prince Edward dies
    Queen Victoria's father, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, dies from to pneumonia. Left family with massive debt. As a result Victoria's childhood is one filled with concerns for money, and isolation. (Grant 5)
  • Charles Darwin sails on HMS Beagle

    Charles Darwin sails on HMS Beagle
    Charles Darwin sails on the HMS Beagle as the ship's naturalist. Over the next five years, he will collect specimens, and investigated geology of the places visited. His observations will lead to his writing the Origins of Species which introduces the theory of evolution. (Desmond, Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • Queen Victoria becomes Queen

    Queen Victoria becomes Queen
    Queen Victoria becomes Queen when she was 18. After her father's three elder brothers died. Leaving no serviving legitamate.
  • Queen Victoria's wedding

    Queen Victoria's wedding
    Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert. In the future they will have 9 children. They were married until Prince Albert's death. (Veldman, Encyclpaedia Britannica)
  • The birth of Prince Edward

    The birth of Prince Edward
    Prince Edward is born on November 9, 1841. He will not be crowned King Edward VII until he is 60 years old. He will rule England for a little overr 10 years. Editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • James K. Polk

    James K. Polk
    James K. Polk inaugurated as 11th Persident of the U.S. Often considereed the last strong Presivle War presedent and lead the U.S. to victory in the Mexican-American War. He was presedent from 1845-1849. (Robinson, Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • Victoria's eldest daughter marries Prince Frederick William of Prussia

    Victoria's eldest daughter marries Prince Frederick William of Prussia
    On January 25, 1858, Victoria marries Prince Frederick William of Prussia. He will become Emperor Frederick III of Germany and she the Empress. Their son Willhelm will become the Kaiser and will lead his country in World War l against his cousins, King George V of England and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. (Editora of the Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg, fought from July 1, 1863-July 3, 1863. This war was considered to be the most important of the American Civil War and the turning point for the Union army. The battle effectively stopped General Lee's attempt to invade the north. (Editors of the Encyclopadia Britannica)
  • Franco--Prussian War

    Franco--Prussian War
    Franco-Prussain War: France declares war on Prussia. Franco is defeated at Weissenburg. Worth, Mars-la-Tour, Gravelotte, and finally Napoleon 111 capitulates at Sedan. (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    Bell had been experimenting and constructing his telephone in Boston for a number of years. Although he filed for a patent in February 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was not able to produce intelligible speech over the phone until March 10, 1876 when he summoned his assistant using the phone saying "Mr. Watson --- come here --- I want to see you." After that, he continued to refine the telephone and first demonstrated it in public at the Philadelphia Centennial exhibit in June 1876.
  • Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India

    Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India
    Queen Victoria proclaimes empress of Indea. Ever since India came under control of the crown. Queen Victoria felt that she should haveb a title signifying her new role. Through the work of Prime Minister, Benjamine Disraeli, the Royal Titles act was passed in 1876. It proclamed Empress of India. Her new title was initially was umpopular with the English people.
  • Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee

    Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
    Queen Victoria celebrates her Golden Jubilee. A banquet was held to which 50 kings and princes were invited. The next day a procetion took place with a thanks giving service in Westminster Abbey. (Veldman, Encycloaedia Britannica)
  • Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

    Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
    On September 1896, Victoria serpaced her grandfather George the 3th as the longest reigning monarch in nglish history. The celebration took place 9 mounths later. The celebration was attended by the Prime Ministers of the dominion. Troops all over the empire marched through london while queen Victoria procided in an open carrage.
  • Queen Victoria dies

    Queen Victoria dies
    Queen Victoria dies in 1901 at Osborn House on the isle of Wight. Her son and successor King edward Vll, and her eldest grandson, Emperor Wilhelm ll of Germany, were at her deathbed. Her favorite pet pomeranian, Turri, was laid upon her deathbed as a last request. Her reign dies with her. (Vldman, Encyclopaedia Britannica)