Queen Victoria is born
Alexandrina Victoria is born on May 24, 1819, in Kensington Palace. Her parents were Edward Duke of Kent as the father and her mother's name was Princess Victoria Mary Louisa of Saxe-Saalfeld-Coburg. Excatly one month later Victoria was christened at Kensington Palace. (Bernard 10) (grant 5) -
Charles Lyell determines Earth's age
Charles Lyell a scottish geologist published Princples of Geology a book about how the Earth was thought to be made. He believed that the earth's crust was built over a long period of time with small changes happening. Also he was one of the first to believe that the earth was very old. In current time his book is called one of the most important scientic book ever. (Swisher 101) -
Victoria becomes Queen
June 20, 1837 is when Victoria ascened to the throne after King Williams IV dies. June 28 is when she is offically crowned as Queen. She was the heir to the throne because her uncles had no legitimate children. Victoria became queen at age 18. (Bernard 117) -
Period: to
First Opium War in China
The first opium war started because of the illegal trade of opium. The British were selling it to the Chinese but the Chinese government did not want it. The Chinese then took British merchants hostage. The British Superintendent of Trade decided to make all merchants give him their opium and he gave it to Len Zexu to burn. The British demanded payment for the destroyed opium but China would not pay
and that is how war started. (theopiumwars) -
Marries Prince Albert
Queen Victoria and her cousin that she marries, Prince Albert meet in 1836. On his second trip to England in 1839 they become engaged. The wedding took place at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace, and their wedding breakfast was held at the Buckingham Palace. They stayed married for 21 years until his death. This was the first marriage of a ruling queen since 1554. (Churchill 158) -
Assassintation Attempt
On the evening of June 10, 1840 is when the first attempt of assassinating the Queen happened. Edward Oxford age 18 was the person attempting to kill the pregnant queen. Oxford fired the guns twice but neither hurt the queen. It is said that the guns may have been loaded with powder and no bullets. This was not the only attempt made to take Victoria's life. (QueenVictoriasScrapbook) -
Period: to
Great Potato Famine
The Great Potato Famine took place in Ireland. It was a period of starvation and disease, about 20-25% of the population dropped during this period of time. The cause for the famine is because of the disease called potato blight. A third of the population was completely dependent on potatos which made the population fall. Approximity one million
people died during the famine. (thehistoryplace) -
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin was an English scientist who wrote the origin of species. This book was a turning point in scientific history because Darwin explained natural selection and evolution. Darwin got the information to go into his book by traveling to different places and noticing the adaptations of the animals that live in a certain place. After another scientist started publishing papers with similar ideas to his he decided to publish his book which sold out on its intial print run. (talkorigin) -
Civil War begins
The civil war in the United States began when when Confederate warships bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. It was fought in many different places throughout the U.S. The main reason for the civil war was about abolishing slavery in the states. At the time Abraham Lincon was elected president and he did not like slavery and wanted to get rid of it. The northern armies won the war and
the rebellious states returned to the Union. (Civilwarfacts) -
Prince Albert's death
At the age of 42 Queen Victoria's beloved husband dies of typhoid. His death was very unexpected and had a huge impact on the Queen's life. SHe would not come out to greet the public and became depressed after loosing Prince Albert. Prince Albert died in the Blue Room which remained unchanged by Victoria. (Bernard 118) -
Henry Morton Stanely and David Livingstone meeting
Henry Morton Stanely was a journalist for a newspaper and his job was to find David Livingstone in Africa and see the research he had. Most people believed Livingstone was dead so Henry Morton Stanely was skeptical. Once arriving in Africa he did meet up with Livingstone and wrote about it in his diary and brought the news back to his home and Livingstone's discoveries. (HenryStanely) -
Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India
in 1877 Benjamin Disraeli, the prime minister, had Queen Victoria named Empress of India. The reason for this is because her becoming the Empress would unite the two countries and form a bond. Also the first time sense Prince Albert's death the Queen publicly announced her new title. Parts of her empire included: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and large parts of Africa. (QueenVictoriasScrapbook) -
Victoria tries to stop Gladstone from being Prime Minister
In 1880, Queen Victoria tried to stop William Gladstone from becoming Prime minister. One of the reasons she tried stopping him was because she did not like him. She liked Disraeli but thought she could not trust his polices. Her choice to become Prime Minister was Marquess of Hartington, a statesman from the Liberal party which had just won the general election. Unfortunately she failed her mission. (Swisher 9) -
Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
The golden jubilee stood for being a ruling monarch for 50 years. The way this event was celebrated was by public celerbrations and cermonies. Also there was a banquet held where 50 princes and European Kings were invited to celebrate. (QueenVictoriasScrapbook) -
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
Queen Victoria's accession was on a Sunday, so she decided that a family service would take place at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle. The celebration for the diamond jubilee was going to take place on June 22. When she recieved her diamond Jubilee she was at the age of 78 and the diamond Jubilee stood for being the monarch for 60 years. (Bernard 118) (queenvictoriasScrapbook) -
Queen Victoria's death
January 22, 1901 is the day the Queen died at age 81. She is known as the longest ruling monarch in British historry, she ruled for almost 64 years. Queen Victoria died at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. During her ruling she saw and changed many things which created a better place to live for her people. (queenvictoriasscrapbook)